
Her Silent Cries

By Phoebe Rosemarie | Apr 17, 2024

"In Nigeria's heart, a silent storm brews,
Where whispers of choice meet societal views.
Safe abortion, a contested ground,
Where stigma and fear are tightly wound.

In clinics hidden, or makeshift beds,
Women navigate a path fraught with dread.
Denied their autonomy, their voices drowned,
In a system where their rights are bound.

But in the shadows, a glimmer of light,
Courageous souls rise to fight the fight.
For safe abortion, a fundamental right,
In Nigeria's story, justice takes flight.

Let compassion guide policies anew,
To protect the health of women, true.
For in their hands lies the power to decide,
Their bodies, their futures, their pride.

May laws be forged with empathy's grace,
To ensure every woman finds her space.
In the sanctity of her own choice,
In the echo of her own voice.

For in the struggle for dignity and care,
Lies the promise of a future fair.
Where every woman's rights are upheld,
And safe abortion stories need not be compelled."


This poem explores the complexities of safe abortion in Nigeria, where societal pressures clash with personal choice. It depicts the challenges women face seeking abortions in secret due to stigma and legal constraints.

However, it also celebrates the courage of advocates fighting for women's rights and calls for policies that prioritize compassion and women's health. The poem envisions a future where women have the freedom to make their own choices about their bodies without fear or judgment.


Editor's Note: This series of essays and poems seek to address the critical issue of safe abortion services in Nigeria, presented by Document Women in partnership with Education As A Vaccine.
Through these thought-provoking pieces, we aim to shed light on the challenges and importance of reproductive health access in our country. Each essay contributes to a vital conversation, advocating for informed choices and compassionate healthcare.

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