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#SirJarus: Suraj Oyewale Arrested for Alleged Domestic Violence Against Wife

By Admin | Jul 3, 2024

Suraj Oyewale, known as #SirJarus, has been arrested following an investigation into allegations of abusing his wife.

The Lagos Domestic and Sexual Violence Agency (DSVA) had responded earlier to the incident after Oyewale addressed the matter in a series of now-deleted tweets. He admitted his actions were provoked by alleged fetish practices and provocative behavior from his wife, Mrs. Oyewale Ayoola.

The DSVA, tasked with preventing and addressing domestic and sexual violence, issued a statement through Adejoke Ladenegan-Oginni, Head of Public Affairs. She emphasized the seriousness of the situation, stating, “Domestic violence in any form is unacceptable, and the Lagos State Government maintains a zero-tolerance stance against it.”

“We have, as an Agency referred this to the Commissioner of Police (Gender Desk Department) to ensure that investigation commences.”

These statements have ignited outrage on social media, particularly on, where users have expressed a wide range of opinions on the matter.