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Six Must-Read Books by Female Authors from Masobe Publications

By Sera | Jul 18, 2023

In the spirit of recommendations, Document Women got to dig into six books written by female authors signed to Masobe Publications and released in the first half of 2023. Masobe Publications have a stellar portfolio of female authors and we are so excited to get into these!

Masobe 1

Don’t Answer When They Call Your Name by Ukamaka Olisakwe

Rooted in Igbo Mythology is a captivating tale of sacrifice and redemption from an avid storyteller of our time. Olisakwe never shies away from writing about women, their sufferings, and the often extreme ways they take revenge.

In this story, the unforgiving spirit of an ambitious woman who was betrayed by her father and then betrayed by her husband has continually plagued the village for years, when the streams go dry and the crops begin to wither in Ani Mmadu, the people are once again faced with the obligation to send an Aja; a child chosen by the oracle for atonement, to appease the deity. When Adanne is chosen, she knows what she is up against, all the other Ajas never return but Adanne is determined to break this cycle and free her people once and for all.

The book is action-packed with exciting adventures, excellent world-building, and an impressive marriage of traditional myth and fantasy.

Masobe 2

The Middle Daughter by Chika Unigwe

When teenage Nani loses her older sister and father within the same time frame, her grief changes the trajectory of her life forever. Her tale of fatal fate begins when Nani is pushed to seek solace in an unlikely man of God, who seemed to understand her grief better than her mother and younger sister who seemed to have moved on with life after the tragic events. Nani eventually marries this man, and suddenly estranged from her mother and sister, she becomes a prisoner in an abusive marriage, tethered to the union by children she loves deeply, Nani must find the courage to break her silence, overcome shame, and take her life back without losing once again.

The Middle Daughter is a complicated story with hard lessons, a jarring tale that will leave you enraged yet full of pity, will Nani’s luck turn for the better? There’s only one way to find out but best believe Unigwe will put you on your toes first!

Masobe 3

Rose & The Burma Sky by Rosanna Amaka

A captivating story rich in history, about an African soldier’s dreadful plight fighting in the second world war amidst a romantic tale of unrequited love. When Obi’s childhood dream to become a soldier finally comes true, all is well until he is recruited to fight in World War II, leaving behind all that he has ever known, including his childhood love, Rose. The story centres on Obi’s love and longing for Rose while painting the cruel picture of all that he endures during the war and the PTSD he suffers when he finally comes back home. What is most commendable about this story is how the characters come alive so seamlessly. Rosanna Amaka has created a timeless piece of historical fiction.

Masobe 4

The Three Of Us by Ore Agbaje-Williams

A simple story with a simple premise. Between her traditional husband and her best friend who can not believe the life she has settled for, an unnamed woman is stuck in the middle trying to be loyal to the two most important people in her life who happen to not like each other. The story takes place over a day from the perspective of all three, but Agbaje can immerse us in their shared history within such a short period of the plot.

Masobe 5

The House of Shells by Efua Traore

Efua Traore is fast becoming one of the brightest minds for Young adult fiction of our time, after a thrilling debut with Children of the QuickSand, The House of Shells provides an equally adventurous and ethereal story. Kuki moves in with her stepfather in a small town and wants nothing but to fit in at school and make new friends, but things just keep getting out of control and in her way. Kuki was possessed by Abiku; a spirit that possesses children and causes them to die before they hit puberty. Through a twisted luck of fate, Kuki unknowingly meets and befriends her Abiku.

The House of Shells is rich with Yoruba folklore and culture, and on the other hand, a spell-binding story on finding one’s self.

Masobe 6

The NigerWife by Vanessa Walters

Nicole leaves a dark past behind in London and moves to Lagos, marries a wealthy man, and settles in a community of foreign wives known as The Nigerwives, leading the perfect life. The heart of the story however is Nicole’s disappearance. When all avenues to find her seemed fruitless, her Aunt Claudine decides to get a ticket to Nigeria and take matters into her hand, this unearths a lot of dusty skeletons in both the lives of Nicole and Aunt Claudine’s buried past. Williams wrote an electrifying mystery novel you will enjoy.